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-LSM Conference & Training Information
-LSM Webcast (i.e. Memorial Day Conf.; Thanksgiving Conf.)
-LSM Webcast Video Training (i.e. Summer; Winter)
A timely speaking are messages posted by LSM given by Brother Witness Lee that are just as fresh and relevant today as they were back then.
Dallas-Fort Worth MetroplexYP and Metroplex Blending Conferences
Spiritual supporting videos https://biblesforamerica.org/videos/
The Lord’s move to Europe, Russia and Israel https://www.lordsmove.org/offerings.html
The Lord’s move to Africa https://lmafrica.org/
The Lord’s Move to Asia https://lmasia.org/
Gospelize, Truthize, Churchize America https://gtca.us/
Testimonial from the United States Congress regarding Watchman Nee and Witness Lee https://witnessleelehren.org/en/united-states-congressional-record-en/
An open letter of testimony from many respected Christians concerning the local church, including Fuller Theological Seminary, J. Gordon Melton, Ph.D. and others: https://an-open-letter.org/en/fuller-theological-seminary/
A report on the Ukrainian refugees in Gut Elim, Germany (March, 2022); and other messages regarding Ukraine